Voor het Partides Festival maakten wij een nieuwe versie in onze serie Último Esfuerzo Rural III waarin we een grote pan en zes oude landbouwspuiten gebruikten, tegenwoordig gezien als objecten met een zekere esthetiek, gewaardeerd door verzamelaars, in groot contrast met het niet zo mooie oorspronkelijke doel van deze apparaten. Een belangrijke verandering ten opzichte van eerdere versies was de buitenlocatie. Een johannesbroodboom deed dienst om de voorwerpen op te hangen, waardoor het werk een meer dan ooit landelijke uitstraling kreeg. Nog belangrijker was dat het publiek, naast de verschillende concerten die tijdens het festival plaats vonden, de werking van de “instrumenten” kon besturen met een luchtmixer, zittend in een oude stoel.
19-25 september:
ENSEMS, Palau de les Arts, Valencia
Acuática VII
Acuática VII was shown at the during the festival of contemporary music ENSEMS. Full programme of the festival. For previous versions of Acuática, see this page of our website.
Tijdens het hedendaagse muziekfestival ENSEMS was Acuática VII te zien en te horen in het Palau de les Arts in Valencia. Volledig programma van het festival. Voor eerder versies van Acuática verwijzen wij naar deze pagina van onze website, gewijd aan Acuática.
17-25 augustus:
“Pisando agua, hierba y barro en la periferia”
Espacio Esparto
Acuática VI
Tentoonstelling met Eugenia Boscá en Trendzadesign in Espacio Esparto in Chelva (Valencia), het dorp waar wij wonen. Wij maakten hiervoor een nieuwe versie (VI) van Acuática. Eerdere versies van Acuática vind je op deze pagina van onze website.
Concert with Aquàtica at Santa Mònica, Barcelona, in the series So I Cos, organised by BCN Impro Fest. A podcast about the concert can be found at Santa Mònica Ràdio:
The concert was followed by a performance by Adelaida Maresca.
September 29-October 22:
On 29 September our project La Fábrica de Memorias was inaugurated at an abandoned convent in Forcall, Castelló, Spain. It consists of two installations and a video, inspired by a long tradition of espadrille production in Forcall and surroundings.
The exhibition was part of AVAN/03, together with exhibitions by Nora Ancarola in Viver, Maria Amparo Gomar in Geldo, Julio Jara in Vilanova d’Alcolea and Olga Diego in Villafranca.
July 17 until 23
Artist Residency at Forcall (Castelló), SPAIN, preparing an exhibition, planned to open September 29 in Forcall. The residency was part of AVAN/03, an initiative of Rafael Tormo Cuenca. During a week we spoke many people in Forcall and surrounding villages in order to learn more about the region’s once flourishing textile industry of the region, especially the production of espadrilles.
Cantan un Huevo and a new version of Bang Spring Time were shown at the Palacio Vizcondal, Plaza Mayor 13, Chelva (Valencia), SPAIN.
Opening: Friday June 30, 19:00 h. Until July 16.
Exhibition organised by Fundación María Antonia Clavel.
“El Callejón del Ruido. Creación, ideas y tecnología. Resonancias e impacto (1994 – 2019)”.
November 2022 the Universidad de Guanajuato, Mexico published the book “El Callejón del Ruido. Creación, ideas y tecnología. Resonancias e impacto (1994 – 2019)”. Editors: Roberto Morales Manzanares y Cynthia P. Villagómez Oviedo.
heart cells. Microscopical image: Dr. Danyla Bobkov
Arrhythmia at “Finding Affinities”, Halle (Saale), Germany, 2019
Migratones at
Inversia Festival, Murmansk, Russia,
2-6 February 2022
Interactions within digital environment
and worldwide spread communities
We never thought that a few weeks after Inversia the world would change so dramatically after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. As long as the situation in Russia and Ukraine does not get to normal again Inversia will continue in a nomadic form outside the borders of Russia. See https://inversiafest.com/ You can find more about the Festival of 2022 at https://inversiafest.space/archive22/
Migratones is our third collaboration with Sergey Kostyrko (RU) after a workshop we realised in KKW, Leipzig (2016) and Arrhythmia, Halle (2019). Both former projects were curated by ArtSci Nexus.
In Migratones migration data of six different regions in Russia, processed by Sergey, control the air flow to each of the seven hanging mirlitons. As in our former collaboration data are transformed into “real, organic sounds” instead of electronically produced sound, emitted with loudspeakers, a common practice in sound art. Our contribution is largely based on our previous work Mirlitones. These organic sounds are combined with field recordings by Sergey from the Murmansk area, emitted from speakers, mounted in another set of hanging tubes. We recommend listening with good headphones or loudspeakers to experience the extremely low sound frequencies and their interferences.
The presentation of Migratones is financially supported by AC/E, Spain.
For RRRR we have been working on a new version of Acuática with some significant changes in sound and image. We hung the carboys in fishing nets and premiered new valves, which offer a much wider range of air flow for each bottle individually.
Other participants: Pul&Play, Jorge Reichmann, Llorenç Barber, Trashhhhh !!!, Gràcies per la pluja, Factoría artis3.
Museu de la Pauma, Mas de Barberans, August 7 and 8
August 7 and 8 we gave 4 concerts with a new set-up of Acuática with 7 carboys placed on a metal structure, our first live appearance since September 2020… The concerts formed part of the cycle “Ebre, Música & Patrimoni 2021”. Paisatges sonors de les Terres de l’Ebre, an initiative of the Museu de les Terres de l’ Ebre, Sant Carles de la Ràpita.
En tiempo real. La Colección Rafael Tous de arte conceptual.
MACBA, Barcelona, from 14-05-2021 until 7-01-2022
Cantan un Huevo has been shown at Metrònom, Barcelona in 2001-02. A video of this exhibition was filmed and edited by Adolf Alcañiz Rodriguez. This video can be seen at the exhibition “En tiempo real. La Colección Rafael Tous de arte conceptual” at the MACBA Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, where it is shown in a video compilation of sound art, including works by Rolf Julius, Terry Fox, Lewis deSoto and Jordi Benito.
Hundreds of metal springs, originally tied together to serve as a mattress, form an extremely complex surface when put into movement. Oscillating motors cause glass bottles, placed on these mattress springs, to rattle against on another.
Call #CMCVaCasa of the Consortium of Museums of the Comunitat Valenciana,
online since October 22, 2020.
Acuática, version 3 is one of the 100 projects selected in this call.
Acuática, version 3 (Bosch & Simons, 2020) is a project in which we capture and mix the sound of air bubbles in carboys filled with water. Version 3 combines the qualities of the two previous versions. While it maintains the subtlety of version 2, it certainly gains in complexity and dynamics for the mayor number of sound sources (12), the double of the previous version.
Museo Reina Sofía, Madrid, October 14, 2020 to January 11, 2021
Audiosphere features the work of 810 artists from 80 countries working in the field of experimental music, with a particular focus on the independent, underground, DIY and non-academic spheres, both before and after the popularization of the internet. This exhibition aims to fill a historical and cultural void by supporting and presenting the work of this international community that in most cases has been ignored in the field of contemporary art.
Barcú Art Fair/Festival, Bogotá, Colombia, October 13-18, 2020
This year, for sanitary reasons, the fair has chosen for an online format created by the Updated Art Studio (UAS) of Solimán López. The virtual exhibition consist of 6 sections:
-International galleries
-Curated exhibition of independent artists
-Digital art exhibition curated by Wade Wallerstein
-Exhibition of the Fuga Foundation
-Exhibition Clorofila organized by Juan Covelli
–Harddiskmuseum exhibition “The pioneers” with
Bosch & Simons, Hugo Martínez–Tormo, Inma Femenía, Rubén Tortosa, Fabien Zocco, being the first artists who supported the Harddiskmuseum, in 2015. We participate with two diptychs produced with our work Aguas Vivas.
Laboratorio del Mundo Vibrante, Festival Ensems, Valencia, Spain
Universitat de València, LA NAU, 18-20 September, 2020
This event consisted of two workshops and three mini-concerts. Visitors of all ages could explore the world of vibration and resonance by modifying and controlling three robots/creatures mounted on metal springs that generate surprising movements and rhythms. In the same space we recovered two works from 1993, being the very first version of the Krachtgever, a tower of vibrating boxes supported by springs, and the Trajectversterker, a vibrant wooden track on which various objects sound and move in different ways. We used these three elements of the set-up in three mini-concerts.
mini-concert, filmed by Ensems
Images from the workshops Laboratorio del Mundo Vibrante
Also part of Ensems: talks (in Spanish)
on-line talk about our work in general by Rubén López-Cano
Carmen Pardo about our work “Arrhythmia”, a collaboration with Sergey Kostyrko (RU)
All events organised by Marina Hervás and Cristina Cubells.
Gaudeamus Muziekweek, Utrecht, Netherlands,
Poème Symphonique by György Ligeti, on-line concert, September 13, 2020.
On September 13, 1963, at the closing concert of the Gaudeamus Muziekweek, Hungarian composer György Ligeti’s legendary work Poème Symphonique premiered, having been commissioned by Gaudeamus. A piece for 100 metronomes which are started simultaneously, but in different tempi, resulting in a polyrhythmic jungle.
57 years later Gaudeamus presented Poème Symphonique again, with a corona flavour this time: from living rooms and other locations all over the world, via Zoom.
We were one of the participants, with our inherited metronome.
Eerste concert met dit nieuwe project. We vangen het geluid van luchtbellen die opstijgen in het water in de flessen op en mengen en versterken deze geluiden via een vierkanaals PA-systeem. Na het concert kon het publiek het podium op om de geluiden van nabij te beluisteren.
This open-air event took place at the beach and the dunes of Blåvandshuk.
Participating artists:
Bosch & Simons (ES), Erick Fourrier (FR), Ingrid Ogenstedt (IS), Kate Skjerning (DK), Roger Rigorth (DE), Monique Bastiaans (BE), Stuart Ian Frost (GB), Strijdom van der Merwe (ZA), Britt Smelvær (NO), Gkøde & Partnere Arkitekter (DK), Hannah Streefkerk (NL) and Edgar Massul (PT).
Curator: Jette Mellgren (DK)
About Spring Tide:
“The theme of this exhibition is the migration of birds, a fascinating, complex, dynamic process. Through long springs, sound migrates as birds do but much faster. However compared to the strings of musical instruments it propagates extremely slowly. So slow that it is possible to track the sound travelling through space, visually and audibly. The work is powered by the wind that blows six metal plates which hit the springs in an extremely unpredictable way.”
“cONcErn is an artistic infrastructure for art works that, for logistical reasons, are at risk of destruction, disposal or abandonment. Together with the artists, cONcErn investigates the possibilities for a recovery of the artworks “in need”. A gathering rather than a collection, cONcErn welcomes the art works in a dynamic space for storage and visibility and appreciates the diversity of contemporary creation.
Thanks to the ensemble of recovered art works, cONcErn organises educational and cultural activities, public events and round table discussions that explore the place and potential of artistic practice in the current socio-economical and ecological climate.”
We participated with a video from the opening concert of the Multimediale2, ZKM, Karlsruhe, 1991, with our work Was der Wind zum Klingen bringt and a score for this work.
complete score for concert with Was der Wind zum Klingen bringt
“The first time we visited the Casa Gran we thought at once of our series Último Esfuerzo Rural (“Last Rural Effort”), a series of works wherein we use objects you will all find back in the museum. In this exhibition we present the three works in dialogue with three spaces.
Último Esfuerzo Rural arose from rural life. We are not trying to romanticize this rural life; rather our work is inspired by the creativity and strength of the individuals, so typical of isolated rural communities: the individual him or herself looks for simple, but creative and playful solutions to the problems that occur in the world surrounding them. A lifestyle that´s about to disappear.
Último Esfuerzo Rural I and II were premiered in Valencia at the Ensems festival of contemporary music, 2004. One part consists of giant “zambombas” (lions roars), made of barrels and played by pneumatic cylinders. The other part are wooden pitchforks that, through an unpredictable mechanism, scratch on windows. These forks now found a perfect place in the stable while our barrels are incorporated into a row of barrels in the wine cellar.
A year ago we created the third part of the series, Último Esfuerzo Rural III. We started to collect antiquated metal objects in our village, Chelva. The objects include large pans for boiling onions and funnels made of tin plate, way back used in the production of sausages, and ewers made for measuring quantities of olive oil. These objects are now brought back to life by tiny air-driven industrial vibrators, mingled with the collection of objects in the oil mill of the museum.”
Special thanks to the oil mill Hnos Martínez Zaballos for their wine barrels and ewers.
ADATA AiR Plovdiv –
European Capital of Culture 2019 artist residency
September 10 -24, with Frank Havermans.
Impressions from the trip to Plovdiv, Bulgaria, investigating the area with Frank Havermansfor a new project in the course of 2019.
Exhibition Espacio P 1981-1997 at
TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes.
June 28 – September 30.
We participate in the exhibition with videos of our works Krachtgever (1995-98) and Electric Swaying Orchestra (1991-92). Curator: Karin Ohlenschlaeger.
In the course of 2017 we have shown the project Último Esfuerzo Rural III-V five times in different versions and contexts.
Video by Tanja Busking about the artist residency at iii the Hague during October 2017 and the exhibition of Último Esfuerzo Rural V at the sound art exhibition at Kruithuis – STOK, during the festival November Music, 5-12 November 2017. Video and exhibition were commissioned by iii. https://instrumentinventors.org/
Último Esfuerzo Rural III at the art fair justMAD, Madrid, Feb 21-26, 2017.
Último Esfuerzo Rural III (2017) is the third project of a series of works inspired by the area we live in, the rural interior of Valencia. We are not trying to romanticize rural life; rather our work is inspired by the creativity and strength of the individuals, so typical of isolated rural communities: the individual him or herself looks for simple, but creative and playful solutions to the problems that occur in the world surrounding them (with sweat, strength and courage). Recently we started to collect antiquated metal objects from our area. The objects include large pans for boiling onions and funnels made of tin plate, way back used in the production of sausages, and ewers once made for measuring quantities of olive oil. They are brought back to life by tiny air-driven industrial vibrators. Once brought into resonance our objects recover their forgotten value by producing mysterious, hypnotic sounds: a process whereby the potential energy of once meaningful, but now dead objects, is being transformed into a spiritual experience, by stimulating their resonant frequencies in an unusually unpredictable and vivid manner. A listener can choose his own perspective in the sonic environment created by the installation by moving around below the objects. Also inside of the objects unpredictable behaviour takes place: Normally this type of vibrator is firmly mounted with bolts, whereas we attach one or two metal springs below each. This enables the vibrators to move around inside their object, propelled by their own vibration, causing different timbres and sound volumes. Each object also influences the behaviour of the others: Because all the vibrators share the air from the same limited source the activity of already sounding objects diminishes when others come to live, resulting in a fragile and complex sonic system, unpredictable in its smallest detail. In future versions we will increase the number of objects, and possibly choose objects, related to a specific site or country.
Special thanks to Günter Geiger for his assistance in the development of software and to Almazara Hnos Martínez Zaballos and Pepa and Vicenta Torralba for their ewers and pans.
October 2017:
Artist residency at ¡¡¡, The Hague, Netherlands, 1-31 October 2017.
and worked on version V of the series of Último Esfuerzo Rural , twice as big as previous versions, premiered at November Music , Bois-le-Duc, Netherlands, 5-12 November 2017.
Version IV of Último Esfuerzo Rural IV has been shown at DA_Fest, Sofia, Bulgaria, 19-23 September 2017. The objects we used were supplied byVenelin Shurelov, the artistic director of the Festival, found in Jasna Poljana, a village in the south-east of Bulgaria.
This broadcast is dedicated to the exhibition espacio.sonido.silencios. at the Museum Patio Herreriano, Valladolid. We participate with the work Último Esfuerzo Rural III. Curator: José Iges.
audio recording of Último Esfuerzo Rural III at espacio.sonido.silencios.
Último Esfuerzo Rural III at espacio.sonido.silencios.
Museo Patio Herreriano, Valladolid, June 8 – August 27, 2017
Último Esfuerzo Rural III at the art fair justMAD, Madrid, Feb 21-26, 2017.
The first version of Último Esfuerzo Rural III was shown at the art fair justMAD, Madrid, as of the selected pieces by EX, asociación de arte electrónico y EXperimental, for the Just TECH Prizes 2017.
audio recording from Madrid: two concerts, each of 5 minutes.
Other events:
exhibition Espacio P 1981-1997, Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, Móstoles, June 3 – October 8, 2017
We participated in the exhibition Espacio P 1981-1997 with videos of our works Krachtgever (1995-98) and Electric Swaying Orchestra (1991-92). Curator: Karin Ohlenschlaeger.
Avenida Ciudad de Soria, 8, 50003 Zaragoza, Spain.
Friday, June 3 we gave a concert with Último Esfuerzo Industrial II together with Marco Ferrazza and the winner of the competition, Juan Antonio Nieto.
Radical dB, Etopía, Zaragoza, June 2016
Sound recording of concert with Último Esfuerzo Industrial II, 03-06-2016:
Arte sonoro en España (1961-2016), Museo Fundación Juan March,
Carrer de Sant Miquel, 11, 07002 Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
Curators: José Iges and José Luis Maire. Artists (among many others): Mikel Arce, José Manuel Berenguer, Xabier Erkizia, Ramón González-Arroyo, Concha Jerez and Javier Maderuelo.
New video, recorded at the Museo Fundación Juan March, in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2016.
For this occasion we changed lots of things like the types of valves we use (the work works with compressed air), the software, the length of pipes and, being the most important change, the type of membrane that produces the sound.
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