Events 2017

In the course of 2017 we have shown the project Último Esfuerzo Rural III-V five times in different versions and contexts.

Video by Tanja Busking about the artist residency at iii the Hague during October 2017 and the exhibition of Último Esfuerzo Rural V at the sound art exhibition at Kruithuis – STOK, during the festival November Music, 5-12 November 2017. Video and exhibition were commissioned by iii.

Último Esfuerzo Rural III at the art fair justMAD, Madrid, Feb 21-26, 2017.

Último Esfuerzo Rural III (2017) is the third project of a series of works inspired by the area we live in, the rural interior of Valencia. We are not trying to romanticize rural life; rather our work is inspired by the creativity and strength of the individuals, so typical of isolated rural communities: the individual him or herself looks for simple, but creative and playful solutions to the problems that occur in the world surrounding them (with sweat, strength and courage). Recently we started to collect antiquated metal objects from our area. The objects include large pans for boiling onions and funnels made of tin plate, way back used in the production of sausages, and ewers once made for measuring quantities of olive oil. They are brought back to life by tiny air-driven industrial vibrators. Once brought into resonance our objects recover their forgotten value by producing mysterious, hypnotic sounds: a process whereby the potential energy of once meaningful, but now dead objects, is being transformed into a spiritual experience, by stimulating their resonant frequencies in an unusually unpredictable and vivid manner. A listener can choose his own perspective in the sonic environment created by the installation by moving around below the objects. Also inside of the objects unpredictable behaviour takes place: Normally this type of vibrator is firmly mounted with bolts, whereas we attach one or two metal springs below each. This enables the vibrators to move around inside their object, propelled by their own vibration, causing different timbres and sound volumes. Each object also influences the behaviour of the others: Because all the vibrators share the air from the same limited source the activity of already sounding objects diminishes when others come to live, resulting in a fragile and complex sonic system, unpredictable in its smallest detail. In future versions we will increase the number of objects, and possibly choose objects, related to a specific site or country.

Special thanks to Günter Geiger for his assistance in the development of software and to Almazara Hnos Martínez Zaballos and Pepa and Vicenta Torralba for their ewers and pans.

 October 2017:

Artist residency at ¡¡¡, The Hague, Netherlands, 1-31 October 2017.

During this residency we participated in the event

Connect the Dots, no patent pending#29 at Korzobar, The Hague, October 5.

and worked on version V of the series of Último Esfuerzo Rural , twice as big as previous versions, premiered at November Music , Bois-le-Duc, Netherlands, 5-12 November 2017.

November Music , Bois-le-Duc, 5-12 November 2017.

sound recording of Último Esfuerzo Rural V, Kruithuis, Bois-le-Duc, 5-11-2017


DA_Fest, Sofia, Bulgaria, 19-23 September 2017:

Version IV of Último Esfuerzo Rural IV has been shown at DA_Fest, Sofia, Bulgaria, 19-23 September 2017. The objects we used were supplied by Venelin Shurelov, the artistic director of the Festival, found in Jasna Poljana, a village in the south-east of Bulgaria.

Friday 23/Sat 24 of June 2017:

Radio Program “Ars Sonora” at Radio Clásica España.

Presentation and direction: Miguel Álvarez-Fernández,

at 1:00 AM of the night from Friday June 23 to Saturday June 24.

Now available on-line at

This broadcast is dedicated to the exhibition espacio.sonido.silencios. at the Museum Patio Herreriano, Valladolid. We participate with the work Último Esfuerzo Rural III. Curator: José Iges.

audio recording of Último Esfuerzo Rural III  at espacio.sonido.silencios.

Último Esfuerzo Rural III at espacio.sonido.silencios.

Museo Patio Herreriano, Valladolid, June 8 – August 27, 2017

From June 8 until August 27 Último Esfuerzo Rural III has been shown at the

exhibition espacio.sonido.silencios. Curator: José Iges.

At Museo Patio Herreriano,

Calle Jorge Guillén, 6

47003 Valladolid

The première:

Último Esfuerzo Rural III at the art fair justMAD, Madrid, Feb 21-26, 2017.

The first version of Último Esfuerzo Rural III was shown at the art fair justMAD, Madrid, as of the selected pieces by EX, asociación de arte electrónico y EXperimental, for the Just TECH Prizes 2017.

Selected pieces:

Ting Zhang: Far and Near You and Me

Iliyana Kancheva: Image Don’t Cost a Thing

Andrei Thomaz: Hourglass

Bosch & Simons: Último Esfuerzo Rural III

More about the art fair:

audio recording from Madrid: two concerts, each of 5 minutes.

Other events:

exhibition Espacio P 1981-1997,  Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, Móstoles, June 3 – October 8, 2017

We participated in the exhibition Espacio P 1981-1997 with videos of our works Krachtgever (1995-98) and Electric Swaying Orchestra (1991-92). Curator: Karin Ohlenschlaeger.

Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo,

Avda. Constitución, 23
28931 Móstoles

link to publication




2017-22-09   Peter Bosch: DA_Fest, National academy of Art, Sofia, Bulgaria

2017-10-10    Peter Bosch: Institute of Sonology, Royal Conservatoire, The Hague

2017-06-11    Peter Bosch: Music and Technology, HKU, Utrecht, Netherlands

2017-22-11    Bosch & Simons: Master Artes Visuales & Multimedia, UPV, Valencia